Saturday, May 21, 2011

Syria Troops Fire During Protests, Killing More Protesters

It seems to me that something is definitely brewing in the Middle East, particular­ly the nations with the most oppressive regimes and­reign to most of us in the US. What doesn't seem clear is the US involvemen­t in all of it. I understand the numerous bases we intend to protect throughout the middle eastern region and the investment in their financial institutio­ns (oil anyone?) and economies, but exactly how many troops do we have to send? If all the countries, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanista­n erupt at once are we going to just start bombing at random? It seems that US policy may dictate we represent freedom and democracy everywhere but it is unclear as to where we draw the line. What will it take for US policy to reflect the inability for the US to play captain save everyone.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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