Monday, May 23, 2011

Netanyahu AIPAC Speech: Israeli Prime Minister Says Country Cannot Return To 1967 Borders

I don't know about anyone else but it seems to me what Netanyahu is really saying is "My way or war." It doesn't matter how you feel about Israel, Zionism or the "Holy Land" but millions of Palestinia­n people have a right to live in the land of their birth as well. We may not like our neighbors but to play the "They will kill us all if we give an inch" game is an insult to everyones intelligen­ce. Several countries in the middle east may hate Israel but I seriously doubt they would be willing to incur the wrath of the UN and most of the modern world by obliterati­ng Israel off the face of the earth because Netanyahu gives up a slice of east Jerusalem. The religious argument of "Our Holy Land" seems ridiculous if the God of Judaism would allow people to die over a piece of land that by most who have visited report, is not considered the most "hospitabl­e" place on earth. If the prophet does return as many Jewish and Christian people believe I have a feeling he (or she) would be absolutely disgusted that people are willing to die over a strip of land. I have a feeling he/she would be more impressed with human beings ability to make peace. In addition if I was "God" and people were on My land, I don't think I would need any help moving them off.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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