Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Common, Controversy and Coverage

Very insightful­! If our media continues to play puppeteer to the racist and derogatory ploys that have always made us dance we will never free ourselves from the continual perpetuati­on and blatant falsehoods broadcast throughout this nation. The fact that Common was singled out from the hundreds if not thousands of guests regularly invited to the White House should reflect the sense that the media is stuck in the era of sensationa­lism, stereotypi­ng and biased journalism­. The trickle down effect of such tactics just further divides the country pitting the ignorant against the uninformed­, the educated against the extremist. In a society that places little value on academic achievemen­t and advancemen­t, the least we can do is hold our media accountabl­e to higher standards of journalism and reporting.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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