A skeptic at best, I am intelligent enough to realize we live in a world where the truth is seldom told. Where lies prevail and comfort, and the masses are generally, well lets just say oblivious to whats going on in the world around them. As the history of man has demonstrated, few are truly intellectual and aware, the majority just follow the closest leader. This blog is My voice and opinion on the controversial thus conspiracy laced issues of the day.
I don't know about anyone else but it seems to me what Netanyahu is really saying is "My way or war." It doesn't matter how you feel about Israel, Zionism or the "Holy Land" but millions of Palestinian people have a right to live in the land of their birth as well. We may not like our neighbors but to play the "They will kill us all if we give an inch" game is an insult to everyones intelligence. Several countries in the middle east may hate Israel but I seriously doubt they would be willing to incur the wrath of the UN and most of the modern world by obliterating Israel off the face of the earth because Netanyahu gives up a slice of east Jerusalem. The religious argument of "Our Holy Land" seems ridiculous if the God of Judaism would allow people to die over a piece of land that by most who have visited report, is not considered the most "hospitable" place on earth. If the prophet does return as many Jewish and Christian people believe I have a feeling he (or she) would be absolutely disgusted that people are willing to die over a strip of land. I have a feeling he/she would be more impressed with human beings ability to make peace. In addition if I was "God" and people were on My land, I don't think I would need any help moving them off. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
It seems to me that something is definitely brewing in the Middle East, particularly the nations with the most oppressive regimes and customs.foreign to most of us in the US. What doesn't seem clear is the US involvement in all of it. I understand the numerous bases we intend to protect throughout the middle eastern region and the investment in their financial institutions (oil anyone?) and economies, but exactly how many troops do we have to send? If all the countries, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan erupt at once are we going to just start bombing at random? It seems that US policy may dictate we represent freedom and democracy everywhere but it is unclear as to where we draw the line. What will it take for US policy to reflect the inability for the US to play captain save everyone. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I'm not sure if this article is really "news". I would assume that the "powers that be" in this country were well aware of our oil dependency thus our vulnerability concerning oil tankers and potential targets. I think this is just puffery promoted by the administration obscuring what they really found and what they would never tell us. Its obvious Bin-Laden was the figurehead for a militant violent extremist entity but he by far, is not the only serious threat the US faces. There are thousands of psychopaths just waiting to take his place. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Very insightful! If our media continues to play puppeteer to the racist and derogatory ploys that have always made us dance we will never free ourselves from the continual perpetuation and blatant falsehoods broadcast throughout this nation. The fact that Common was singled out from the hundreds if not thousands of guests regularly invited to the White House should reflect the sense that the media is stuck in the era of sensationalism, stereotyping and biased journalism. The trickle down effect of such tactics just further divides the country pitting the ignorant against the uninformed, the educated against the extremist. In a society that places little value on academic achievement and advancement, the least we can do is hold our media accountable to higher standards of journalism and reporting. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
My only question is can they keep him? Ignorant minded people with divisive rhetoric using thinly veiled Christian dogma should all move to Israel. Perhaps they can get a taste of truth and justice Hebrew style while all of Israels neighbors aim their weapons of mass destruction at them. People like Beck continue to stir the part of religious divisions among people provoking hate and distrust among human beings. Please go. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I'm sorry this is hilarious. We should have known there was something other than "transitioning" going on between Shriver and the Terminator. Besides the devastation he helped commit on California's government, the commutation of a murderers sentence and blatantly appointing his cronies to high ranking positions the fact that he is an adulterer shouldn't be all that surprising. My only question is how did he keep the maid quiet? Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Why is the world so silent in action on the horrid treatment of women and children in this country. Does the Congo have the fatal flaw of not having enough oil to justify the UN, the US and other able nations move in and protect the millions of people under terror? Why is it that in a country that claims democracy or the fight of terrorism as the cause for invasion and several world wars, we cannot address an issue as devastating as this one? We can send troops to help the victims of an earthquake but we cannot protect people from brutality, rape and murder? Really? We send millions in aid to the Congo and the violence continues to escalate. Humanity has left this planet. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I support Obama, and many of the decisions he has been forced to make. However, I have a brain, I understand international politics, but what the hell is going on in Libya? Can someone tell me why we are really there? This hop and bomb a country theory is becoming ridiculous. We have other issues to worry about. Or do we? Theres obviously something thats not being talked about, Obama is no fool, he knows the last thing the American people, Republican or Democrat, want is another war. WTF is going on? Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
We can blame the idiots in office until the cows come home. Until the voters wake up and acknowledge that their elected leader signed legislation that "cuts off about $3 million in public funds used to pay for services such as birth control, cancer screening and tests for sexually transmitted diseases." Good job voters. Its time to take responsibility for your own actions. This has nothing to do with abortions, this has to do with the GOP attempting to cut any funding outside of their own special interests, even if it means actually harming their constituency. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Umm Hello? Boehner can you stop avoiding the issue and just come out and say it would be political suicide to admit that your party is beholden to the Oil companies. You are honestly willing to cut programs the support the elderly (barely) and the impoverished with little deficit reduction, while keeping in place the corporate welfare that will increase the debt far greater than any social welfare program on the books. Hmmm the transparency of the GOP is an insult to the American public. Lets hope the voters remember who the Republicans offered up as sacrificial lambs to solve the budget crisis we are facing. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Give me a break. The politicians know just as most Americans who can read and follow political trends that Pakistan is playing both sides of the street. If they weren't why would so many members of Al Qaeda flee there? Many countries receive aid from the US and many have policies that directly contradict the freedom and democracy rhetoric preached from this nations capital. Its simply a big game where all the players have their hands in each others pockets as long as it suits them. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I can understand the outrage many would feel of the overweight children depicted on the billboards but lets face facts people, as stated in the article and by the AMA 1 in 3 American children are overweight or obese. This should be more offensive than the visual depiction of that fact. Look around, how many kids do you see physically active, running, jumping, and playing? How many more do you see shoveling snacks and fatty foods in their pie holes? How many parents tell their obese children that its okay to be fat? Lets get real America if your child is overweight from poor eating habits, lack of exercise and general parental laziness don't get mad when a billboard says so. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
The more I read about Libya the more I am concerned that the media reports are a little less than truthful. I am a firm believer that the truth is always slanted depending on the media outlet but the coverage concerning Gaddafi and why we are even over there seems a bit ridiculous. If you dont know who owns the networks and pays for most of the advertising we see daily you really should take the time to research it. There are very few players with an unbelievable amount of power and what we see down to the last word is monitored and approved.
According to the Global Gender Gap Report (2010) which analyzes the gaps in the treatment of women and men using various factors it was found that the United States ranked 19 out of the top 20 least sexist countries in the world. Hmmm? This should be disturbing to any American particularly women and those raising girls. Its
Despite our impressive abilities concerning logic and reason, man’s most basic advantage over all animals on this planet, we still live in a society permeated with idiots. All the advances of man from technology to medicine have not yet freed us from our preoccupation with religious theory, political worship or failing social systems. Every day a seemingly remarkable discovery, scientific find, or revision of previous theory is made and very few are even aware. Check out the amount of hits to scholarly websites, vs the amount of hits to
Is it just me thats overly disgusted with the "Prayer for Prophet" phenomena that has seemly infiltrated every mega church and televised church ministry? I usually flip right past TBN and all its affiliate stations, but tired of the doom and gloom or utter stupidity of the news I spent a couple hours watching the preachers, prophets and bishops do their thing. Though the messages were pretty simple, "Turn your life to God, and Jesus Christ" all ended with an enlightening discussion regarding giving money to the ministry. Some claimed the money is needed to "sow a seed of faith" others claim the answers to financial problems and stresses lie in "your donation".
Besides laughing at the sheer transparency of the ministries, I could not help but feel slightly sickened by the blinding faith of people, and the audacity of the so called prophets and bishops to demand money in "God's name". If anyone is not clear the Catholic Church quietly hides the fact that it is a billion dollar industry and the poor actually receive a mere pittance of its actual intake. (see Inside the Vatican by Prof. Thomas J Reese). For those who claim a division of Christianity yes you too are a part of the Catholic Church. Christianity is considered a sect within the larger church body of Christendom, i.e. The Catholic Church, the Pope and all the high ranking clergy men (see rapture of Christians with the Catholics Part 1) but I digress.
The point that I wish to make is that what makes these people Prophets, Bishops and in a rare case Prophetesses? One one particular show "Sew your seed" that proceeded Beni-Hin's call to donate to his fledgling ministry, the entire cast of 6 individuals were essentially self-proclaimed prophets, covered in thousand dollars suits and diamond studded jewelry imploring people to donate $37, to sew their seed of faith. It ended with Master Prophet such and such advising that those who donate could essentially demand of God to bless them with wealth and prosperity for demonstrating such faith. Well I called, this was too much for me and I was essentially told them I only had $20 and wouldn't God understand my predicament? I was told no, the minimum donation was $37 but the bigger sew I seed the bigger reward I can expect, I was then transfered to a live prophet to pray for me and advise that I should sign up for regular donations and join in on a conference call later on in the day. I politely declined and was rudely rebuked for my lack of faith. Once I questioned how I too could become a Prophet I was advised they were chosen by spiritual leaders and the phone conversation was terminated. Seems to me that the Church has one of the best pyramid schemes going ever and selling prayers and promises is big business. I wonder how God feels about this? (Pls note, if the videos below do not play be advised that World Ministries has requested their removal. They have ravaged Youtube and any other social outlet in which their money tainted rituals are exposed.)
My photos are part of my story. If you do not like how I dress, well...suck it.
I have no shame in who I am, an my photos are just that. Photos of me. Did God tell you personally tell you that I should be covered? How many men will continue to proclaim the word of GOD? Hmm born naked will die naked remember. My body is my temple I can wrap myself in velvet from head to toe and whore myself all over town and my clothing obviously would say nothing about who I am. Last time I checked my relationship with God was between him and I. Your references to Allah and the true faith are an opinion you have chosen. Trying to impress upon me your beliefs by censorship should demonstrate to you some of the obvious flaws within most religious paradigms. I can read, I can write and most importantly I can think just like you. I have studied religion and psychology for more than 12yrs now earning degrees in both. I know religion like the back of my hand and can stand alone without it. Despite your religious convictions, they are faith based and subject to the interpretation of whoever reads or follows. Within your own faith their are serious points or contention and disagreement so how can you honestly say your version of Islam is correct? You were not born a Muslim, Christian or Hindu. Its not stamped on your back, or tattoo'd on your DNA so again I remind you, that your religion is simply a choice. My faith is just that Mine, not subject to the approval, acceptance or discussion of anyone not responsible for me. Have a wonderful night and good luck in your spiritual journey.
Why does the voice of logic and reason always find itself outside of important social arguments and issues? If there are guns on the street, they will be used. Period. All the 24hr gun permit laws in the world will not prevent weapons from landing in ill intentioned hands nor the destruction it causes. From the founding of this country the right to bear arms was a right supposedly fought for yet I don't understand what this right exactly entails. The right to go to a store, fill out and application and pay a fee? Most Americans don't have criminal backgrounds, the supposed protection the application covers is a joke. And if you're a criminal the last place your going to buy an AK is The Bass Fish and Hunt Store. Hell even I can just roll down to the seedier part of town and get an entire arsenal with no questions asked and better yet no trace. Yet the NRA, right ring Republicans and conservatives take the threat of tougher gun laws personally. In fact despite the fact that the recent Arizona terror was unleashed by a white male with no problems obtaining a gun license, Arizona is pushing to loosen gun laws within its state specifically on its college campuses. Washington DC, Texas, Idaho and Iowa are just a few following suit. What? What the hell do you think will happen if everyone starts carrying a gun. The OK Corral has been closed for years and something tells me that armed paranoid people are the last thing any city needs right now. The wild west is long gone. There are no Indians riding horseback across 100 miles of prairie land to get you. A nation armed is a nation wrapped in a powder keg with civil dissonance permeated by trigger happy idiots. How about we use logic and reason in attempt to remove deadly weaponry from our nation. If you need to fish and hunt, do what you do, but for most of us who experience the outdoors via watching it on TV we need a world in which the 18 year old across the street doesn't have more weaponry than the fish and game dept down the block.
Nina Davis
photos courtesy of prevarication.net and norcalblogs.com
For many who don't know the advent of unions was due to the dangerous conditions, poor wages and treatment of migrant workers in mines, fields as chminey sweeps etc. The impact of unionization on the improvement of workers conditions can be demonstrated by the vast improvements to workers conditions. However 100 years later it can be easily argued that Unions have a different role in many states within this country. What began as an effort to collectively unite workers in a fight for fair working conditions has become a powerful entity capable of crippling legislative process and government budgets. Let me be very clear, in no way do I mean to insult the unions as I believe in what they stand for, just not necessarily the manipulative tactics it has come to rely on to get its way. In California the unions are quite unique in the fact that they donate millions and millions of dollars to directly influence elections and protect their ever increasing rights, benefits and pay scales. Anyone who has to deal with a city or government employee can probably attest to the negative experience most public interactions involve, and for those parents out there still reeling from the shock that school districts in the Inland Empire have cut the busing system completely (this means for all those non-parents out there that sports at most junior highs have been cancelled or restricted to PE play) all I can say is where do all my tax dollars go? (Fun fact: if you make more than $46,700 a year but less than $250,000 chances are you are in the highest paying tax bracket in the nation.)
In California we have the one of the highest tax rates in the nation, with little compensation or justification. The roads suck, the teachers are the highest paid in the nation, the students arguably the stupidest, county and local governments are barely functioning the DMV is closed like 6 times a month, yet government workers, teachers and many other union protected peoples insist on raises, free or close to free healthcare for life, up to 6 weeks vacation and the ability to never get fired. Hmmm. This doesn't sound like the Unions from the early 20th century it seems more like the mafia centered on protecting its own interests. The rights of teachers, fire fighters etc. must be protected obviously but not at the expense of schools shutting down because their checking account is being hit like everyone else's. In California 80% of the school budget goes to paying the teachers and other "administrative costs", the teachers have argued and fought successfully that we must continue chipping away at the less than 20% left for students. This is not calculus people this is Greed 101. This isn't a rant out to get the teachers, its a wake up call and lesson in basic math. If a company only has $100 and its paying its employees $80 a month, it cant fire anyone, it cant lay them off without a strike yet its forced to increase productivity (the ever increasing class sizes) what is going to happen? The business is going to close or the product (the students) are sub par. Thus California's ranking at 44th for reading/math proficiency.
Lets roll on over to Wisconsin. Where teachers, fire fighters and the like are marching all over the capital demanding the Governor not take their "collective bargaining rights" away. At first glance yes it seems like mean old Republican Walker is snatching the rights of the little people away. But if those rights include the ability to shut down schools, fire departments and government services because a select group of people doesn't get their way financially SOMETHING must be done. I'm sorry Wisconsin, the very conservative, "small government", Bible thumping right wing jokes you elected into office are turning on you. I'm sorry that you did not realize that the very people you elected to save you are now blaming you for the fiscal budget issues of the state, the recession and everything else that contributed to the deficit in your state. Corporate America makes politicians people they have no interest in the poor. Stopping greed corruption, the power and influence of big business, limiting their own payrolls and staffs? Not even on the table. Perhaps when you go to the polls next time, you will keep this painful lesson in mind.
In short the recession was not the fault of the unions, though they most certainly did not help, the recession was caused by big banks, and capitalistic greed. Don't get upset when the holier than thou officials elected to office (who profit more than anyone from big banks and wall street) take the fiscal fall out, out on the unions, the unemployed and anyone else that didn't financially contribute to their positions.
Umm hello, besides a 30 second foot note on the nightly news is anyone truly investigating the price of gasoline or should I say the price of crude oil? Its ironic that though Egypt controls most of the Suez canal and for a minute media hysteria pointed to a resulting increase in crude oil prices due to the country's internal conflict. Well that's relatively over, at least its not making the news, now a new crisis in the middle east has arose. Libya Africa's chief oil exporter is now under serious revolution with a leader proclaiming no intentions of leaving. This crisis has no foreseeable end date and most media reports (as short as they are) indicate crude oil can only continue to rise in price. Really? Why? Libya exports exactly 5% of its crude oil to us. (see Us Dept of Energy). From a business perspective and believe me people, all world leaders are business men, why would they really cut the oil supplies? If they are not selling oil they are not making money and something tells me, Libya will not risk its ridiculous wealthy position to prove a point to its people.
Back to our oil prices. SO we have been hearing for years that the US is the largest consumer per capita of crude oil etc. etc. and now we are being told that because Libya is at war, a country most have never heard of and could not locate on a map, we should expect gas prices to continue to rise. That makes exactly no sense and the saddest thing is that most people just sigh and say how terrible it is that the middle east is making our gas prices high. What is actually true is oil prices are set by OPEC a very powerful committee composed of oil rich countries and businessmen. What is also true is that most of US oil comes from Canada and Mexico (see US Dept of Energy) which is quite a ways a way from the conflicts in the middle east. What is also true is that big oil companies dictate the price at the pump to ensure their profits continue to rise. Has anyone noticed that through any crisis, anywhere the oil companies continue to make profits? The only ones who actually pay the price are the people who pump their own gas everyday and struggle to the pay their heating and lighting bills. Its no wonder that most politicians knee deep in the favors of the oil companies will lay down and die before they agree to consider alternative energy sources. It would cut off the liquid gold that made them beyond wealthy in the first place. Perhaps someone should look up how much money oil companies donate to politicians and PACS and how many media outlets they outright own perpetuating the myths that "we" the people (anywhere) have anything to do with the excessive rise in gas prices.
Nina Davis
see: US Dept of Energy, http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/oil_gas/petroleum/data_publications/company_level_imports/current/import.html
US Dept of Energy, http://www.eia.doe.gov/cabs/Libya/Oil.html
I agree but what is even harder to "burn" is the people's willingness to seek guidance and direction from outside themselves with little regard to their innate connection to their higher power. For most, religion is taught and followed, not studied, analyzed and put into realistic practice. For millions their religions are their lives, their reason for being, their definition of life. Its complexities, ambiguities, logic or lack their of is not their concern. Each religion has a hierarchy whose job is to "worry" over such things.
(Courtesy of buffalo-israel-link.org)
For the believer, you simply believe what your religious leaders say. As long as the ideological view remains that man cannot think for himself, that he/she must have a spiritual guide, leader, or congregation, self-discovery, insight, and individual perspectives are inherently oppressed. If a very few are given power due to their "holiness" corruption will rise. Absolute power, corrupts absolutely. Jesus did not want his disciples to bow to him, as he understood the power a "Holy Man" automatically holds. From the early Judeo-Christian perspective, particularly those of the Essenes (some would argue them the true authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and attribute them to the earliest Christian writings), warned of any Holy leaders claiming sacred knowledge and encouraged relying on an inner "spirit" for guidance.
I have a friend who argues that most spiritual leaders realize the power they hold over their followers and are actually united to maintain control of the masses. His argument asserts that religion is one of the best tools the elite have come up with to ensure control. "Why do you have to do something you feel may be wrong?"
"Because, God, Allah, The Creater, The One "said so". Think about how many conflicts actually exist between the leaders of religious nations and how many conflicts exists among their respective followers. Every photo op we are shown displays various religious leaders shaking hands and making deals with their supposed "enemy" and the people of these very same countries killing each other. (In response to Kevin H. Muhammad aka Kevin 6X .."Aside from the big-wig leaders of faith, what can we do to bring the peace? Perhaps you and I can agree to put religion on a cross and burn it! I think the term religion has been mistakenly applied to our devotion to the Supreme Being, because religion and politics seem to be identical, which seem to fall into the outline that satan came up with to deceive the people of Allah. Divide and Conquer!")
You are a horrible greedy human being too pathetic for a plea deal. It is not possible to earn the sympathy of any tax payer while you sat back and earned nearly $800,000 in earnings as a clerk.
The city of Bell was poor and struggling before you and your fellow cronies robbed it of the little it had left but to deflect responsibility to "someone" who "could have done something" is inexcusable. Don't get me wrong, I am more than sure there are thousands of fellow helpless yet well compensated "public servants" robbing their own cities, and districts but the phony pleas of innocence from all of Bells corrupters is like salt in the wound. Hopefully a jury of your peers will nail your greedy ass to a cross and exact their payment in flesh.
Too bad they couldn't (or wouldn't) nab the hog police chief too.
Is there any connection between the uprisings within the middle east countries,and the fact that most of these governments are religious in faith and rule? Despite my respect of all religions and the right of their worshipers to praise as they please I do not understand the inability to enter into discussions regarding the obvious flaws in practice within all religions. From all religious perspectives most debates are rife with tension and animosity and most often result in arguments regarding specific doctrine rather than actual practices. If we speculate on the tensions in the middle east sparked by the revolution in Tunisia we see a struggle between the masses and their government, those opposed to the ruling class finding their government oppressive, restrictive and corrupt. I find it no coincidence that the most "religious" countries whether Christian, Hindu or Muslim tend to have a more oppressed body, generally fraught with a history of human struggle. Freedom as defined as the willful act of living, expressing and working without undue restriction, harm or inequity seems to be the underlying theme in all the countries currently experiencing inner turmoil. History demonstrates that the mix of religious doctrine and interpretation (over logic and reason) generally leads to tyrannical leadership, similar to the shamans in early human history getting too drunk on the sacred wine. Within the past thousand years the Christian Church and the countries within its direct domain used numerous hideous acts of terror and oppression in the name of the Church. Hindus in India are still suffering at the hands of their interpretation of the caste system allowing millions to suffer at the lowest form of humanity as accorded to their "birth rite" and socio-religious traditions. The list goes on endlessly when considering what the "elite" and "powerful" can do under the guise of a specified religion but what is mind boggling is how this prehistoric thinking can continue in todays day and age. Religion should be determined by the worshiper and his acts. The truly faithful understand that the most powerful teacher is action. If a government is to rule based on the desire of the people it should do just that. The religious notions, opinions and desires of any person in power should stand as support for law, not the basis of it. The horrific caning, torture and death of women in the most restrictive countries is shameful and disgusting to the human race. The fourteen year old rape victim in Bangladesh is just one of millions of people eradicated by their religiously ruled governments. We may never agree on the "right" religion but we should agree on the right race, the human one. Perhaps millions of people in the middle east tired of the religious rhetoric and rule agree.
Have right wing media and conservative pundits spread their hysterical paranoia from Obama and Liberals to a Brotherhood they know nothing about? Nearly every report from CNN to Fox News has a slew of blue eyed, blond haired commentators widely speculating on the impact of The Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt. Besides the fact that they are barely 20% of the opposition force in that particular country their values and doctrine mimic that of the Catholic Church. They both claim to want peace, righteous living, righteous behavior, freedom from religious persecution etc etc. Before I go any further let me please note I am not of the Islamic faith. Raised in a Christian country I am more familiar with Catholic/Christian doctrine than any other religion but I am well read and educated on the 2nd largest world religion, Islam. To insult a religious party whether the Muslim Brotherhood or the Christian Church is to assume that every member of the respective faiths follow the negative histories or controversial doctrines, practices and beliefs. However listening to western media pundits and their fear that a radical Islamic radical group will rise to power highlights the truth which is that they are scared the Egyptian people will rise up and reject the US and our sister country Israel. By broadcasting unfounded hysteria "The Extremists are coming" caused undue Islamic fear, hate and most importantly confuses the issues at hand in Egypt in the first place. 1) Egyptian people deserve freedom, primarily the freedom to choose how their Nation is run as a basic human right. 2) Who rises to power is up to the millions of Egyptian people and not the US or any other nation with no authoritative power over Egypt.
What is alarmingly clear is that the disagreement between Islam and Eastern civilizations and philosophies stand in contrast to those beliefs, principles and practices of Western civilizations and cultures. Western civilization and cultures define freedom as the notion that persons have the innate right to essentially do what they wish within rational boundaries and social expectations. For many western cultures, religion plays a relatively small role in social conduct, laws and expectations preempting a variety of beliefs, practices and doctrines amongst its masses. In Eastern civilizations primarily those dominated by state or national religions have a differing view of freedom, many times viewed through the lens of their national beliefs, practices and legal doctrines. To say either system is better than the other is to deny the violent, turbulent histories of both halves of the world. To spread fear and hysteria throughout the West and non Islamic countries just continues to contribute to the divide between human beings, all which have the right to worship and live in freedom and the method in which they see fit. To continuously slam an entire faith, or group belief which happens to be Islamic or Muslim in nature is an insult to hundreds of millions of people who do not support terrorism and violence of any sort.
Nina Davis
Images courtesy of :louaysafi.blogspot.com, self-ownership.org
What world do we live in if nearly an entire country has to spill violently into the streets to demand to be heard? What kind of government systems are continuously allowed to thrive and make agreements with other supposedly freedom thumping democratic pumping power machines, when their own people are mere cattle in their vast kingdoms. The middle east is finally turning the tide of old regime dominance, and oppressive tyranny and saying screw this! Shoot me if you must but you will at least hear me roar. Whenever a government has to turn against its own people its far overstepped its bounds, authority and apparently its welcome among its constituents. Anytime anyone rules for 30years its time for a review. Apparently Mubarek has decided he is the judge, jury and king of all kings and can make the best decisions for Egypt despite the deplorable declining conditions of his nation. All this said, how is this possible. Tienanmen Square was not all that long ago and China still hasn't lived that down. Attempting to suppress the voices of a suffering people only results in revolution as history has proven time and time again. Yet, we continue to live in a country (those of us in the United States) that sing freedom songs, celebrates freedom holidays, invades other countries in the name of democracy yet stands idly nervously hoping President Mubarek makes the "right" decision. Other supposedly democratic governments whisper similar hopes, while those governments just as corrupt as Egypt's (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, to name a few) stand absolutely silent praying the people don't get their way and encourage similar revolutions in their own countries. Human beings with any intelligence better wake up and take a look around. Egypt is but one country where human rights were traded for capital and power and many will have to die to call in that trade. NINA DAVIS
Alright if you are even remotely plugged into your TV or radio you have heard something on the hundreds of thousands of dead animals, specifically fish and birds that have popped up in the western hemisphere. Scientists (supposedly cant identify the cause), theories are ranging from disease to record cold temperatures but NO ONE can seem to account for the random places the animals are dying in masses. From South American to Massachusetts none of the existing theories can account for the deaths in each place. Can someone tell me what the hell is going on? For those that bebop through their day oblivious to the world around them, I say wake up stupid. Look around. Something is going on and we better pay attention.