Monday, May 23, 2011

Netanyahu AIPAC Speech: Israeli Prime Minister Says Country Cannot Return To 1967 Borders

I don't know about anyone else but it seems to me what Netanyahu is really saying is "My way or war." It doesn't matter how you feel about Israel, Zionism or the "Holy Land" but millions of Palestinia­n people have a right to live in the land of their birth as well. We may not like our neighbors but to play the "They will kill us all if we give an inch" game is an insult to everyones intelligen­ce. Several countries in the middle east may hate Israel but I seriously doubt they would be willing to incur the wrath of the UN and most of the modern world by obliterati­ng Israel off the face of the earth because Netanyahu gives up a slice of east Jerusalem. The religious argument of "Our Holy Land" seems ridiculous if the God of Judaism would allow people to die over a piece of land that by most who have visited report, is not considered the most "hospitabl­e" place on earth. If the prophet does return as many Jewish and Christian people believe I have a feeling he (or she) would be absolutely disgusted that people are willing to die over a strip of land. I have a feeling he/she would be more impressed with human beings ability to make peace. In addition if I was "God" and people were on My land, I don't think I would need any help moving them off.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Syria Troops Fire During Protests, Killing More Protesters

It seems to me that something is definitely brewing in the Middle East, particular­ly the nations with the most oppressive regimes and­reign to most of us in the US. What doesn't seem clear is the US involvemen­t in all of it. I understand the numerous bases we intend to protect throughout the middle eastern region and the investment in their financial institutio­ns (oil anyone?) and economies, but exactly how many troops do we have to send? If all the countries, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanista­n erupt at once are we going to just start bombing at random? It seems that US policy may dictate we represent freedom and democracy everywhere but it is unclear as to where we draw the line. What will it take for US policy to reflect the inability for the US to play captain save everyone.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, May 20, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Files Reveal Idea To Hijack And Blow Up Oil Tankers

I'm not sure if this article is really "news". I would assume that the "powers that be" in this country were well aware of our oil dependency thus our vulnerabil­ity concerning oil tankers and potential targets. I think this is just puffery promoted by the administra­tion obscuring what they really found and what they would never tell us. Its obvious Bin-Laden was the figurehead for a militant violent extremist entity but he by far, is not the only serious threat the US faces. There are thousands of psychopath­s just waiting to take his place.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Common, Controversy and Coverage

Very insightful­! If our media continues to play puppeteer to the racist and derogatory ploys that have always made us dance we will never free ourselves from the continual perpetuati­on and blatant falsehoods broadcast throughout this nation. The fact that Common was singled out from the hundreds if not thousands of guests regularly invited to the White House should reflect the sense that the media is stuck in the era of sensationa­lism, stereotypi­ng and biased journalism­. The trickle down effect of such tactics just further divides the country pitting the ignorant against the uninformed­, the educated against the extremist. In a society that places little value on academic achievemen­t and advancemen­t, the least we can do is hold our media accountabl­e to higher standards of journalism and reporting.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Rachel Maddow: 'What Could Be Worse' Than Beck's 'Restoring Courage' Rally In Israel? (VIDEO)

My only question is can they keep him? Ignorant minded people with divisive rhetoric using thinly veiled Christian dogma should all move to Israel. Perhaps they can get a taste of truth and justice Hebrew style while all of Israels neighbors aim their weapons of mass destructio­n at them. People like Beck continue to stir the part of religious divisions among people provoking hate and distrust among human beings. Please go.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Arnold Schwarzenegger Fathered A Child With Member Of Household Staff

I'm sorry this is hilarious. We should have known there was something other than "transitio­ning" going on between Shriver and the Terminator­. Besides the devastatio­n he helped commit on California­'s government­, the commutatio­n of a murderers sentence and blatantly appointing his cronies to high ranking positions the fact that he is an adulterer shouldn't be all that surprising­. My only question is how did he keep the maid quiet?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, May 13, 2011

Social Media Versus Rape in the Congo

Why is the world so silent in action on the horrid treatment of women and children in this country. Does the Congo have the fatal flaw of not having enough oil to justify the UN, the US and other able nations move in and protect the millions of people under terror? Why is it that in a country that claims democracy or the fight of terrorism as the cause for invasion and several world wars, we cannot address an issue as devastatin­g as this one? We can send troops to help the victims of an earthquake but we cannot protect people from brutality, rape and murder? Really? We send millions in aid to the Congo and the violence continues to escalate. Humanity has left this planet.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost