Friday, April 29, 2011

Libya Rape Vs Congo Massacres, US Playing Chess

The more I read about Libya the more I am concerned that the media reports are a little less than truthful. I am a firm believer that the truth is always slanted depending on the media outlet but the coverage concerning Gaddafi and why we are even over there seems a bit ridiculous­. If you dont know who owns the networks and pays for most of the advertising we see daily you really should take the time to research it. There are very few players with an unbelievable amount of power and what we see down to the last word is monitored and approved.
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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Gender Relations in the Most Powerful Nation in the World...Right?

  According to the Global Gender Gap Report (2010) which analyzes the gaps in the treatment of women and men using various factors it was found that the United States ranked 19 out of the top 20 least sexist countries in the world. Hmmm? This should be disturbing to any American particularly women and those raising girls. Its
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